Volkswagen California Depreciation Calculator

We estimated Volkswagen California models on average depreciate 12 percent in the first three years when new. Our estimate confidence is 95 percent.




Information and how to use

Use this depreciation calculator to forecast the value loss for a new or used Volkswagen California. By entering a few details such as price, vehicle age and usage and time of your ownership, we use our depreciation models to estimate the future value of the car.

Our estimates are based on the first three years depreciation forecast. We research the vehicle market to see how vehicles, on average, depreciate over the first three years of ownership from new.

Using the first three years depreciation curve, we can estimate the future value of the car and create a full table showing each month of ownership and the subsequent depreciation and new value of the car.

This calculator is a useful decision making tool when considering purchasing a car.

Try our other vehicle finance calculators too!


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